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Python (A.I.) Coding Class (人工智能) 編程應用班

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Course Overview: The Python Programming training course is for those who want to develop applications using Python. Python is a versatile and powerful programming language used in various fields, for examples, data science, finance, GUI and game development, and is supported by thousands of third party libraries. Learning objectives: - Learn to use Python professionally - Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up - Create games with Python - Learn to use Object Oriented Programming - Understand basic app and game design - Develop logical and organization skills through programming - Understand Python with AI and Big Data 課程簡介: Python是非常強的的程式語言,簡潔友好的語法特別容易上手,適合初學者的課程,學生們並不需要具備程式開發經驗。課程中會透過範例程式,讓同學可以輕易了解內容,在實務專題中,利用Python解決現實生活中的問題。學生可以透過所學習到的東西,再加上自我學習,開發出更棒的軟體。當學習完所有課程時,透過實務專題練習的方式,使學生可以應用課堂所學來完成一個Python軟體。 學習目標: - Python 開發環境設置 - Python 基礎程式語法 - Python 程式架構設計 - 檔案的讀取和儲存 - 網路連線程式 - AI人工智能及大數據應用


2 Plans Available, From HK$1,780.00
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