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Roblox Studio Level 1: Roblox is one of the highest grossing free to play games out there in the market. Through Roblox, kids can learn to create their own games and modification through using the programming language in Lua. This Roblox Coding I empowers kids to create their own games and modifications with the help of Lua Programming. Students will be introduced to block-based programming, it will teach them the concepts of Lua programming but remove the hassle of making mistakes and dealing with a console and debugger. Roblox Studio Level 2: The Roblox Coding Level 2 course allows students to create tailor-made and fun modifications to their Roblox Game. They learn to create fun games, special levels and work on through concepts from Roblox Coding Level 1. Programming will be done using drag and drop blocks inside Code Kingdoms. As the lessons progress, students will reuse concepts from Level 1 and apply them in Level 2. Students will develop computational thinking and design thinking skills as they create their own mods using code. (Requires Laptop) Roblox Studio 第1級: Roblox 是市場上收入最高的免費遊戲之一。通過 Roblox,孩子們可以通過使用 Lua 中的編程語言來學習創建自己的遊戲和修改。這個 Roblox Coding I 使孩子們能夠在 Lua 編程的幫助下創建自己的遊戲和修改。將向學生介紹基於塊的編程,它將教他們 Lua 編程的概念,但消除了犯錯和處理控制台和調試器的麻煩。 Roblox Studio 第2級: Roblox 編碼 2 級課程允許學生對他們的 Roblox 遊戲進行定制和有趣的修改。他們學習創建有趣的遊戲、特殊關卡,並通過 Roblox Coding Level 1 的概念進行工作。編程將使用 Code Kingdoms 中的拖放塊完成。隨著課程的進展,學生將重用第 1 級的概念並將其應用到第 2 級。學生將在使用代碼創建自己的模塊時發展計算思維和設計思維技能。 (需要筆記本電腦)