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931 樂齡 STEAM 教室
GeronSTEAM Workshop

我們 (931SMD) 會不時與不同的機構舉辦各種類型課程及活動,包括一些透過樂齡科技製作專為長者及退休人士而設的樂齡STEAM課程,希望長者也可以透過這些活動與孩子們一起繼續學習,加闊溝通層面,共同建設一個共融的社會。​

931SMD organizes various types of activities with different organizations from time to time, including some senior STEAM courses and activities specially designed for the elderly and retirees through gerontechnologies. We hope that the elderly can continue to learn with their children through these activities and broaden the level of communication , to build an inclusive society together.

#931SMD #GeronSTEAM #GeronTech
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樂齡 STEAM 活動 


  1. micro:bit 人工智能機械車製作 - 長者們可以透過製作機械車,了解現代汽車的人工智能技術及知識,從活動中使他們的思考和心境更年輕化。

  2. VR (Virtual Reality) 製作及編程活動 - 透過虛擬實境及擴增實境技術加上簡單編程製作出自己人生之中最想出現的虛擬實境畫面,透過活動讓孩子和家人更加了解他們的想法和心路歷程。

  3. 數碼知識搜尋、掌握 與 運用 - 現時大部分知識都是從數碼環境中獲得,這個活動可以讓長者及退休人士知道自己如何可以自己年紀相隔很遠的孩子們用相近的思想尋找最劃時代年輕的資訊及網絡知識。

Other than children, the elderly and retirees can continue to learn through different STEAM subjects and gerontology. Below are some examples of activities we have done.

  1. micro:bit AI car production - Elders can learn about the artificial intelligence technology and knowledge of modern cars by making their own robotic cars which can inspire the way of youngsters thinking from this activity.

  2. VR (Virtual Reality) design and coding - use virtual reality and augmented reality technology plus simple coding skills to create the virtual scene that they mostly wanted to appear in their life, and let children and their families understand their thoughts and historical life through the journey.

  3. Digital knowledge searching and application - Most of the current knowledge is obtained from the digital environment. This activity can let the elderly and retirees know how they can find the most epoch-making information as the same as their children or grand-children nowadays.

micro:bit  Robotic Design

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VR (Virtual Reality) Creation & Coding

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